Statement regarding war in Ukraine

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Statement regarding war in Ukraine

Dear colleagues!
The greatest disaster, of all possible, is going on – it is war.
Russia attacked Ukraine and is waging extensive military operations with
heavy casualties, including among civilian population.
We condemn this intentional and continuing act of aggression and call
upon all colleagues to extend human and professional efforts to help
those who suffer in this horrible war.
We exhort the Government of Russia to immediately stop military actions,
to withdraw troops from the sovereign state of Ukraine and to restore
Our Association continues working in these difficult circumstances and
providing support to members of the Association and all those who need

The Board of the East European Association for Existential Therapy:
Irina Glukhova (Belarus) – President
Vladislav Andryushin (Russia)
Prof. Sergey Babin (Russia)
Rolands Bortaschenoks (Latvia)
Diana Butiene (Lithuania)
Dr. Birute Jakubkaite (Lithuania)
Elita Kreislere (Latvia)
Robertas Petronis (Lithuania)
Dace Purena (Latvia)
Olga Vasilyeva (Estonia)
Olesya Zinenko (Estonia)
Prof. Rimantas Kociunas (Lithuania) – Secretary General

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