XI international conference in Birštonas

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XI international conference in Birštonas

Annual International Conference “Existential Dimension in Counselling and Psychotherapy” in Birštonas (Lithuania) will be held in 2020 September 18-23 and is marking 20th anniversary of the Association.

Preliminary program

September 18 – 20

Pre-conference seminar: “The Development of Existential-Penomenological Dreamwork”
by Lucia Moja-Strasser (France) and Diana Mitchell (UK).

September 20

Meeting of the members of the EEAET.

September 21

Opening of the Conference.

Elita Kreislere (Latvia) and Birutė Jakubkaitė (Lithuania): Crossroads of Times: on the history of the EEAET.

Diana Mitchell (UK): Existential-Phenomenological Therapy and Maurice Merleau-Ponty.

Simon du Plock (UK): An Existential-Relational Approach to Supervision: Clinical and Academic Implications.

Rimantas Kočiūnas (Lithuania): Destiny and Choice.

Theoretical practical seminar by Simon du Plock: An Existential-Relational Approach to Supervision (two ‘live‘ supervisions).

September 22

Lucia Moja-Strasser (France): Dialogue and Existential- Phenomenological Psychotherapy.

Evgenia Georganda (Greece): Becoming: Work in Progress.

Viktor Kagan (Germany): Psychotherapy and Poetry.

Natalya Artiomenko (Russia): Phenomenologically oriented supervision.

Viktor Kagan (Germany): Possibilities of choice and the choice of possibilities.

September 23

Kirk Schneider (USA): From the Polarized Mind to Awakening to Awe: Existential Therapy for Self and Society.

Practical seminar by Kirk Schneider.

Closing party.

Please find detailed agenda, registration fees and application form in the file here.

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